Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Confusion

It pains me....when my so called dear friend 'looks' dishonest, though it is not true.
It pains me....when my so called dear friend 'looks' suspicious, though it is not true.
It pains me....when my so called dear friend 'tries to' act too smart, though it is not true.
It pains me....when my so called dear friend 'tries to' avoid me, though it is not true.
It pains me....when my so called dear friend 'sometimes' make me look like a fool, though it is not true.

Sometimes I wonder as why this is happening to me... only to me! But as they say... 'Thatz Life'. Need to accept how it comes n move on.

Never the less, plzzz donna do this 2 me my dear friend as I donna like it n I'm not used 2 it ........ Infact I just hate that. I just hate that!!!

But on the hindside, it gives me an opportunity to thank u for al the learning's that u gave me from these experiences.

Thank u thank u thank u for making me a better human being, if not the best!